Pension Savings
Pensions are boring! Pensions are complicated! But they don’t have to be. Whilst everyone in the UK now has access to pension saving through an employer scheme, many clients reach retirement with several pensions from various employments, but never consider looking at them again.
This is where O’Connor and Co (Financial Services) Limited pension specialists can help.

Workplace pensions are a great starting point but with more people wanting to retire earlier than state pension age, keeping your pension on track during your working life is just as important as joining your employer scheme. We all want to retire earlier so knowing your pensions are on track, can help move this dream into a tangible reality.
Whether you are setting up your first pension plan, transferring a pension plan from one provider to another, or wish to review what you have already saved, our financial advisers will discuss your options with you one-to-one, carry out extensive research using sophisticated tools, and provide bespoke comprehensive advice on the best way to meet your retirement objectives.